Weblog March 2023

In the Spirit of Schiller:

Timeless wisdom for a life in Freedom & Enthusiasm

The Call of the Heart is the Voice of Destiny ”

Friedrich Schiller

Friedrich Schiller,Weimar, Germany (10 November 1759 – 9 May 1805), poet, philosopher, historian. Well-known works: The Robbers, Ode to Joy, The Song of the Bell and many others.

Schiller's philosophy of freedom is more relevant today than ever! In socially cold times like ours, it is essential that we cultivate light and heart warmth internally again. At a time when it takes courage to open your heart and mind, when freethinkers and idealists need to protect themselves, it is our responsibility to inherit the wisdom of the great minds that paved the way to freedom before us. It is up to us to protect and advance these treasures. Let's stretch our space of consciousness wide to find solutions that have been pending for a long time and let's bring back enthusiasm and soulfulness into a robotic and icy world.

Schiller inspired Wolfgang von Goethe to top performances. His poem: “The Song of the Bell” is a call for freedom that prompted Winston Churchill during World War II to make his historically fatal statement:

“We must eradicate the spirit of Schiller and Goethe from the German people forever!”

For Schiller life itself was the work of art we must create. A process that always moves us to constantly improve and refine ourselves. In a disenchanted world, where comfort and obedience to outer authorities have become widespread and where we lost the connection to God and nature, it is necessary to turn around and change our ways. Times are changing fast and radically and since the beginning of 2020 it is dawning on many, that the old way of life will not return, and that is actually a good thing!

The world is in crisis some say and others see it as an opportunity. I think this time is an absolute challenge, a confrontation with the old "way of life” the old Paradigm. The end of an old system that was built on slavery, misuse of power and restriction and is dying hard, as we see. This system has now become obsolete and we MUST adept accordingly.

The cosmic evolutionary impulse, the light wave that is sweeping through all of us, makes it a necessity to clear out everything that is not built on love and truth. This can be done with joy and ease, or with great pain and suffering if the resistance is too great. This is the time of self-responsibility and self-determination. All areas of life are now undergoing a radical transformation and there is no turning back. This requires inner work, confrontation with old fears, questioning of the entire world view, and an opening and expansion of consciousness.

As we have all experienced in life, we usually emerge from a mastered crisis stronger than before and after a certain time new joy and vitality flows through us, from within. We have changed, we have grown.

A new “Zeitgeist” is blowing through the earth's atmosphere. The call for freedom, purpose and brotherhood is now awake and it seems that the great Masters and Souls of our time are standing right by our side to assist us in remembering who we really are. They encourage us with their timeless wisdom to live our full potential and they remind us of the real reason why we are here on this Earth.

"Become what you can be, and you will be it, by making yourself so."

Friedrich Schiller

Eyewitnesses of Schiller describe his unbelievably contagious enthusiasm. He always tried to leave a spark of inspiration in the people he met. He was an idealist, a person with high ideals, always learning from life, ennobling and improving. He inspired everyone around him to do the same.

Schiller was convinced that Spirit creates everybody's world!

Everything starts with an idea

Question: “ When was the last time you successfully implemented an idea and thus changed your life situation positively?

Now is exactly the right time to activate your inner resources. The old systems are failing and it is time for new ways of living together in harmony with Nature and for a new economy. We need creative ideas in order to be able to deal constructively with the challenges of this time. A framework for freedom of action must be created. Freedom creates the horizon for new possibilities. When you are in survival mode, there is no room for creativity.

The constant focus on the negativity of the currant outer world events is blocking your transformational process. It is counterproductive and a waste of precious lifetime and energy!

The theme of Freedom

We can now lay off the immaturity.We must wake up and act as adults. We don't need a government or a nanny to tell us what we can and cannot do. There is now a need for a “Renaissance of the “Age of Enlightenment.” Man awakens into his creative spirit and frees himself from the millennia-old slave existence.

Take a moment to reflect on your own life :

Where are you still stuck in dependencies that no longer serve you?

Where can you create more freedom (inner and outer) in your life?

Use this freedom for your self-improvement! Invest in yourself ! Free yourself from the opinions and dependencies of others and reflect on your very own genius and goals.

Have the courage to step up for yourself and sing your own song !

The theme of friendship

For Schiller, maintaining friendship was one of the most important pillars in life. In this day and age of one-sidedness, limited diversity of opinion and censorship, meeting and exchanging controversial ideas with an open heart and mind is a value that we need to cherish again. Constructive criticism can encourage us to give our best. Schiller was always a critic of Goethe and thus always inspired him spiritually. Goethe very much appreciated this vital interaction.

Just ask yourself right now:

Which of my friendships are really worth maintaining?

How can I bring more depth, enthusiasm, support,

and heart into my friendships?

Many people have lost friends and family connections over the separation of world views and life paths in the last three years.

How do you really feel about it ?

Where has our ENTHUSIASM gone?

The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek “EN THEOS” and means: To be with God or to be in God. It is the momentum, the flow, the enthusiasm that inspires us. This momentum comes from the heart, from the inner higher dimensions. It is a high voltage energy, like electricity. Schiller passed it on like a spark to everyone he came into contact with. That was his purpose in life, that drove him. This state is a constant inner tension, an inner fire. This feeling is triggered by nature, art, music, beauty, an inspiring conversation, by everything that gives wings to our Soul !

What inspires you?

What are you burning for?

Take your time to go really deep with these questions.

We seem to live in a disenchanted world with little spirit, little enthusiasm, little energy. Everything is presented in pre- manufactured images and informations. What is this doing to our children ? We are now called to counteract this trend. We need to develop ideals again and ignite that inner fire of lust for life, joy and creativity. The age of pure materialism is now reaching its limits. We are reopening the channels for our soul's calling to live in freedom and self-determination. Keep this channel open and nurture it. If you have ideals, if you have Soul, you are enthusiastic. You work with God.You see yourself as a divine creator who lives and acts from the heart. That way you can make a difference in the world.

Spend your time on things that build you up and nourish you. Turn your back on the fabricated chaotic world presented to you on a flickering screen.

You are the Creator of your World. It takes courage to open your heart, to stand by your truth and to be a pioneer for a new Earth. It also takes empathy and compassion for those who have made different life choices. It is not ours to judge them. They have their own path to walk.

Focus on yourself and listen to the call of your Heart!

Ignite that spark and nourish that flame. Study the great philosophers and thinkers. Stand on the shoulders of these giants and continue their great work! They are not forgotten and will never be.

The new era holds infinite wonderful possibilities. There is absolutely no reason to be fearful. You can only loose, what was never meant to be yours in the first place.

Free yourself from the shackles and programming of the old Paradigm and choose the path of love and freedom of Mind. Raise your consciousness beyond the prevailing circumstances. In a space of heightened awareness you can unfold much more light, heart warmth and intelligence. Have the courage to carry this light into the world. Schiller set an example for us. His works are immortal and show us a way out of a lifeless technological world, back to the beauty of God’s creation and a renewed enthusiasm for life.

May you be an idealist,

may you be inspired and

may you live enthusiastically!

That is my wish for you…
