

There is a Solution: Effective Microorganisms ,Healthy Soil and the revolutionary discoveries of Dr. Teruo Higa

“ The world is currently facing a time of great change and upheaval.  I believe this condition has arisen mainly because of our present civilization becoming increasingly structured along the lines of competitive principles.  An excessive reliance on competition certainly does not excite feelings of generosity and sharing.”   Teruo Higa, 1996

In the 1980’s Dr. Teruo Higa (University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa) did some experiments with Microorganisms. Growing oranges on a big farm by using chemicals he saw the damage it did to his own health and to the environment. After many trials and errors he nearly gave up but inadvertently discovered the perfect combination of organisms that enriched the soil in a way that is miraculous and makes all chemical spraying obsolete.
His development of Effective Micro-organisms has brought him international recognition and now he provides guidance and assistance in the application and research of Effective Micro-organisms around the world.

The key is the combination of microbes
EM1 is an innovative bio-organic product. EM stands for Effective Microorganisms. EM1 concentrate consists of organic substances only.
It is based on lactic acid bacteria, photosynthetic microorganisms, true yeasts, and other biologically active components.
Once in the soil, the substance naturally begins fighting infection and viruses, fixing nitrogen, and enriching the soil. Already after the first application it accelerates plant growth significantly.                  
Co-Existence & Co-Prosperity
One of the most fundamental beliefs in Dr. Higa’s philosophy is that, “The essential condition for human happiness is the ability to do what one really loves, whatever that may be, throughout the course of one’s lifetime.”   (P. 327, Teruo Higa, An Earth Saving Revolution)
In order for human society to prosper, it is essential that the environment, food supplies, and medical treatment be considered the common property of every man, woman, and child on earth. Once we are able to establish a system by which this may be accomplished, humanity will move closer to a state of truth and people will attain greater maturity, receive veneration as they get older, and be able to serve as assets of society. In order to attain such a state, it is necessary that human kind abandon its penchant for competitiveness and develop a new way of life based on coexistence and co-prosperity. ”  
As you may notice these are complete different approaches and understandings of the everyday principals of life. We have been trained to believe that nature and bacteria are something dangerous that need to be combated. We were taught to believe that nature is based on competition and survival of the fittest. Meanwhile the contrary is true. Nature works on the principals of Co-operation, Symbiosis and Balance.
Cultivating a deep understanding of these Natural Laws provides us with real solutions from the living Earth itself to solve all the problems we are facing right now as a species.  

Here are some of the benefits of applying EM
* You can use your garbage and turn it into valuable compost
* You can skyrocket the food production without using any pesticides because the plants are more resistant to disease and pests
* The treatment eliminates the need for dangerous and expensive chemical fertilizer
* You can regenerate contaminated grounds and desert areas. (large amounts of EM were used after the horrific accident at the Fukushima Power plant in 2011)
* EM fights different kinds of pollution
* Sustainable House Care
* You can use EM-X Gold also to heal your bodies by re-balancing the microbial flora in the gut

We applied EM1 very successfully in several garden projects in Germany and the USA. Infertile and dead dirt turned into lush soil. Vibrant vegetable plants, Berry bushes, and Fruit trees developed in miraculous ways. We were able to bring other varieties of trees back to life and transform almost dead lawns into fresh and green grass. The whole process only took a few weeks.
We highly recommend to use EM in your own garden for it also creates a healthy ripple effect both  in the atmosphere and in the surrounding soils. It is quite a bit more than just a truly miraculous soil amendment!
You can also start making your own EM by simply using Brown Rice, Water, Milk and Sugar. You will need to experiment to find the right combination of Effective Microorganisms. There are several videos on YouTube and articles on the internet on how to do that.

“With EM products, common problems faced by human beings - food crises, environmental degradation, health care, etc., can be solved. Growing crops using EM products can help make both producers and consumers healthy and will enrich the ecosystem. EM will help farm sustainably, protect the environment and maintain people's health. It will help agriculture, animal husbandry, the environment, and society to transform into cyclic and sustainable, and will enable us to live in a society based on Co-Existence and Co-Prosperity.”
                                                                           Dr. Teruo Higa

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Effective Microorganisms EM and EM・1 are the trademarks of Em Research Organization, Inc., Uruma City, Okinawa, Japan.