The Hidden Blessings of a Crisis

The Hidden Blessings of a Crisis

Inspired by  Dr. John Demartini’s book “ Count your blessings: The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love “
“When you have a balanced mind, you have homeostasis of the body and thus health and wellbeing.”            “Every sickness & suffering function as hidden blessings, smashing our complacency concerning the fictions we have about our lives and force us to be present in our lives. Sometimes injury or disease awakens our love for life. Few situations urge us to examine our life more than impending death. For many people, the day they’re diagnosed with a life-threatening illness is the day they truly begin to live and appreciate life.  “        
Dr. John Demartini  

Today’s blog deals with the mental aspects of dis-ease . We are much more than only our physical body. Our state of mind, our thoughts and feelings create a certain chemical reaction in our brain and body. Our perception, our thoughts and feelings can really make us sick, but they also can help us to heal and recover from any ailment.
We grew up with the belief that pain and disease is not a good thing and that we need to fight a war against it, get rid of it, suppress it. Meanwhile we have been the ones who have subconsciously created the situation. For most of us this is a hard fact to accept and the first reaction is complete denial.
The moment we start to change our perspective and try to understand, what the body, mind, and soul has to tell us through the symptoms, we start to learn to get to know ourselves. Mostly ailment gives us the time to finally get some rest and come into contact with what is really going on deep inside of us. We are taken out of the everyday ‘hamster mill’ and start to take better care of ourselves.
We live in a society that has a one-sided perception about anything. We have a lot of fixed perspectives on how things should be. A crisis, sickness death, conflict, bad weather, relationship differences, all these are perceived as something negative and therefore we build up an inner resistance against it.
 In truth every situation has as many blessings as disadvantages. Both tears and laughter are mirroring the two sides of Love. Everything comes along with its opposites. When we only focus on the negative aspects of a situation we weaken the body even more. So we want to bring our perspective into balance
by weighing out  all negative aspects of a situation with the same amount of positive aspects, so that the negativity looses its sickening potential and we finally open our hearts for the Healing Power of Unconditional Love.
Once our heart is open we stop judging ourselves and others and we are finally able to see the blessings and divine grace every crisis has in store for us.

Everything you think and say leaves an imprint in your body and repeated long enough your body believes the messages. Actually your body becomes the mind and you start to live by autopilot, reacting impulsively and automatically instead of responding in a mature way. (Discover the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza on this topic)
 The emotional charge of your fears, worries, feelings of guilt, shame and blame are deeply stored in the tissue and organs and they stay there until you lift the veil of the illusion. We want to free ourselves from old programs of deeply hidden believe patterns, habitual repetitive activities of the mind and social conditioning.
Find that balance, find that place of unconditional love. First bring your inner world into balance and find that inner peace. From this still point all healing can occur, given some time and attention.
The moment you change your thoughts the chemistry in your body changes. Relaxing thoughts even restore damaged strands of the DNA.
Practice to observe your thoughts you have on a daily basis and change them, if they are not loving supporting and nourishing. Be aware how you use your speech.
How many times are you using terms like: “This is killing my nerve, or she is making me sick and so on”?  Every thought has an impact on your body chemistry, so you would want to use it wisely. You can train your mind to work for you as an uplifting, nourishing and supporting force.
You will find out that there is only one Truth and that is the Truth and  Wisdom of love and love can heal everything ! Unconditional love is the most powerful tool for Healing !
 Delete the old programs and reprogram yourself for being healthy. Think healthy thoughts, focus on your Progress and cultivate an unshakable Faith, that you soon will have the Health and Well being you are wishing for. Do not allow other peoples opinion to manipulate you. They mostly speak from a place of conditioned fears and worries. Feed your mind with powerful thoughts of Vigor, Health and Vitality. Read uplifting and empowering books and articles, watch funny movies and laugh a lot. Know, that everything you can imagine you can become.
See yourself as already healed. Make your thoughts matter in a good way !

Another powerful tool for healing is Gratitude. Any crisis, any disease slows us down and makes us appreciate life and its gifts even more. When you develop unconditional love for yourself and others and finally stop judging yourself for where you are right now in your life, you start to feel an overwhelming wave of  gratitude. You start to see the bigger picture, a higher plan for your life and you might come into contact with the force that is bigger than yourself. You start to become humble.
Once you have been confronted with a life threatening and devastating situation you loose your interest in the trivial things of life. Your life gets a deeper meaning and your perspective becomes wider. Your gratitude for life and its gifts help you to overcome any obstacle. Dis-ease helps you to become humble and to be grateful.
It is the body’s way to give you another possibility to love yourself and others unconditionally, probably for the first time ever in your life !
When you are grateful and humble your heart is open and the healing Power of Love can stream through you.

  Lets get practical:
 1. Cleanse your mind: Take time on a daily basis to just sit and breathe deeply and observe your thoughts.You might want to start by breathing in to the count of 5 and breath out to the count of 5. (in and out breath should be even). Find out what rhythm feels good for you, you might want to extend the breath.
Interrupt your thought patterns and turn them around into something that is supportive and encouraging for the Healing Process.
2. Take some time in the morning, during the day, and before you go to sleep to think about things you are grateful for. You might be surprised how many reasons you will find to feel blessed. Count even the smallest things you might otherwise take for granted. Then visualize and feel how the energy of love and gratitude streaming through your heart filling up your whole body. Let it fill every cell of your being.
3. Write down what you suffer from and make a list of at least 20 advantages this situation brings to you. You might find it difficult in the beginning, but it helps you to balance your perception and to find the hidden blessing in the situation.
Write a Thank You Letter for the blessings you receive through the disease and the Healing Process.
4.  Use affirmations such as :
* I am grateful, my heart is open and the healing power of unconditional love fills my body
* I nourish my mind with healthy thoughts

* I love and honor my body as a loyal and loving friend and learn to listen what he has to tell me
  * Both sickness and health are a blessing and give me the opportunity to love  myself and others
 * Everything that I can believe in  and everything that I can imagine, I can accomplish.
You might want to create your own affirmation that fits perfectly for you.
I wish you unconditional love and the healing that comes with it !
Blessings, Monika Stone

charles stone